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Backyard Washing
                   PRESSURE WASHING

 RLS Window Cleaning, we take pride in ensuring that we have your property looking new and at its best all year round. Using a commercial-grade Honda JetWash there’s nothing that we can’t clean from the toughest ingrained dirt, grime, moss and algae to even the most delicate of jobs to meet all of our commercial/residential customers pressure washing needs. Leaving your patios, pathways and driveways looking like they have just been laid and slip-free to your walls whether they're brick, rendered or painted and showing off the beauty that lies beneath. With the ability to control the pressure output by up to 75% we can clean your patios, driveway, Wall’s ( brick, rendered or painted ), concrete, decking and so much more.The exterior of your property can be anything from gutters, fascias, cladding and walls to driveways, pathways, patios and decking and all become weathered. It is important to have these surfaces cleaned regularly not just for aesthetic reasons but also for safety ones too, to guarantee the safety of your customers, family and friends. As when left to the elements and unmaintained all walkways can become slippery, some more so than others increases the chances of an otherwise avoidable and potentially life-changing accident. Whilst your walls, cladding, gutters and fascias can be left looking weathered and uninviting whilst at the same time having the potential of causing you more financial hassle/worry if left unmaintained. 


Why is it important to clean your driveways, patios and rendering? 


1.     Saves you time and hard work. I know from experience that using a small Karcher or Halford's pressure washer to clean a big surface area can take a long time and be back-breaking work at the same time. By getting a professional to jetwash your driveways, pathways, patios and all your other pressure washing needs. It can save you a lot of time, hassle and hard work as they already have all the equipment needed along with extra tools that you may not have to ensure that the job is done quickly and to a high standard.


2.     Protects your investment. When the build-up of dirt, grime, moss and algae is left untreated on any surface for a considerable period of time. It can cause the erosion/deterioration process to said surfaces to become much quicker which can lead to a higher financial outlay when it comes to maintenance work being carried out. By obtaining the services of a professional pressure washing service to carry out regular maintenance cleans to eliminate these contaminants can greatly protect your finances and significantly reduces the deterioration of your patios, decking, fencing, rendering etc.


3.     Aesthetic reasons. When your business premises/home and exterior surfaces are covered in dirt, grime, moss and algae it isn’t very pleasing to the eye, especially for your customers, family and friends let alone any passers-by. Using a professional jet washing service to clean away the grime revealing the beauty that lays beneath leaves you and your property looking at your best. Whilst at the same time having the ability to greatly increase the value of your business, property.



Professional Service

Free Estimates

Affordable Prices

Quality Work


 Dorchester, Dorset


Tel: 07964328229

Opening Hours: 7am - 7pm

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